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Scotland of Old Scotland of Old
from R268.00
Scottish Clans Scottish Clans
from R268.00
The Prophet Khalil Gibran The Prophet Khalil Gibran
from R258.00
Young Woman at a Window Young Woman at a Window
from R258.00

How to Sell Your Art

We've tried to make selling your Art as quick and easy as possible - and it won't cost you a cent.


step 1:  Contact us by Email


Please send us an email with some of your low res images so that we can see if they are suitable for our site.

Typically, we like to create a gallery with a minimum of 10 images up to a maximum of 20.

So please send us your best 10 images for consideration.

The email address for submissions is

We will reply to your email.


step 2:  Creation of your Free Gallery on workART


Please follow this link,, for full information on how to get your gallery created.


step 3:  Market your Art

On approval of your art we will create a unique gallery of your art.

You will have a specific page dedicated to your art
Now it's time to help market your art:

  • tell your friends and people interested in your work
  • post on Facebook - linking to your page
  • tweet on Twitter about your art and include links
  • advertise in the free classifieds
  • get creative
  • "Like" workART on Facebook
  • Follow us on Google+
  • Keep up to date with us on Twitter @workARTgallery
  • Follow us on Pinterest

The more people visit your gallery, the more you will sell!


step 4:  Receive Payment


Your Royalties are paid to you, by EFT, once the customer has received their order to their satisfaction.

We provide you with the platform to sell your art. We deal with all the order processing, printing, customer service and worldwide shipping.

You receive your Royalties as an ongoing income stream – giving you the time and freedom to create more beautiful works of Art.


Help and Info:


If you need any help with setting this up or would simply like more information, please send us an email. 

Alternatively, click here to Contact Us 

We look forward to hearing from you.

workART - Prints and Frames
Showcasing South African Art